I went to a lot of different schools where I studied a lot of different things

I have travelled many, many places and seen many, many things

I am aphantasiac

I lived in Southeast Asia for awhile

I am disillusioned with capitalism

I lived in Budapest for a long time

I studied painting at university in Hungary

I am disillusioned with the art world

I still paint but in a different way now 

I make pottery and I make jewelry

I also write and paint tiny things and carve wood sometimes

I am striving to master ZBrush so I can manifest

The things that exist within me

With my 3d printer

I live in Spain now with my wife and two children

And I am generally pretty happy

Selected Exhibitions

Created with Sketch.

Exposición VIII Certamen Nacional de Pintura Fidel María Puebla, Centro Cultural "Sixto Ríos",        Pelahustán - 2024

Exposición XXXIII Premio Nacional de Pintura “Antonio Arnau”, Centro Cultural "El Recreo" - Quintanar de la Orden - 2024

Summer Collective Exhibition, Bloom Gallery, Valencia - 2024
Ophic Metamorphosis Solo Show, Bloom Gallery, Valencia - 2024
Americans in Valencia Group Show, Bloom Gallery, Valencia - 2024
Pedvale Artist Residency with a closing show at Open Air Museum, Pedvale, Latvia -2021
Icon Group Show, Boomer Gallery, London, UK -2021 

Solo Show, Visiones Extrañas, Playground Art Center, Valencia, Spain -2017 

Diploma Show, Budapest, Hungary -2016 

Group Show in LeDame Art Gallery, London -2016 

33. Salgótarjáni Tavaszi Tárlat, Salgótarján, Hungary -2015 

Diákhitel Zrt.- Képző Show A38 , Budapest, Hungary -2013 

Dance of Colour @Brody Studios by Unison Pastel, Budapest, Hungary -2013 

32. Salgótarjáni Tavaszi Tárlat, Salgótarján, Hungary -2013 

Group Show/ Charity Auction ArtSho 4, Budapest, Hungary -2013 

Salon in progress, Budapest, Hungary -2013 

Social Responsibility in Art Today (SRIAT) Workshop, Budapest, Hungary -2012 

Brody House Speed-Art Show -2012 


Created with Sketch.

 Master of Arts - Painting -2016 

Hungarian Fine-Arts University (Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem ) 

Budapest, HU 

Bachelor of Arts - Writing -2006 

New School University 

New York, NY 

 Dream Interpretation Course -2006 

With Michael Vannoy Addams, faculty member at the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association 

New School University 

New York, NY 

Sculpture Program -2004 

Mass. College of Art 

Boston, MA